Saturday, September 20, 2008

Little Milestones

It's amazing how exciting the tiniest milestones a quick responsive smile and a good daytime nap that is longer than 1 hour long. Here are a few more pics of our baby boy (sorry about the orientation; I can't figure how to maintain portrait (vertical) orientation once I upload them here...)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Growing Fast

Michael is growing soooo fast!! He's already close to 9 lbs and measured 21 inches at his 1 month check-up earlier this week. Lots of growth means lots of eating--I'm having a hard time keeping up with his constant hunger this past week. Some days I feel like ALL I do is feed him! Transitioning to motherhood has been both wonderful and challenging, and as long as I'm able to get out of the house at least once a day, I can handle it all quite well. If ain't pretty. :)

As I get ready to head back to work on September 29th I have really mixed emotions: part of me wishes I didn't have to return and that we, as a family, were in a position where I could be a stay-at-home mom from here on out....and then the other part of me can't wait to get back into my fast-forward-mode professional life (I must admit I feel a bit guilty about how excited I am to return to work). Meanwhile, time to enjoy my final week at home with Michael.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Weeks 2 & 3

Just a few more pics of our adorable baby boy...

At Sergio's martial arts school...

In Daddy's office...

Enjoying a generous portion of fist...

Michael's got a bit of growing ahead of him...