I'm home sick with the most horrendous (cough cough) sounding cough ever (truly straight from hell) that doesn't seem to be going away any time soon. All my stomach muscles ache terribly, I'm sick of throwing up (not because I'm actually sick to my stomach but from so much coughing!), I am sick of literally peeing my pants from such intense coughing (yes it's TMI but must be included to illustrate how ridiculous this is!) and I treasure the occasional 2 - 3 minutes of "down time" when my body is NOT taken over by a fit of coughing. Is this a "nobody-likes-me-everybody (cough cough) hates-me-I-think-I'll-go-eat-worms" (cough cough) moment or what?
My baby boy is now 1 (gotta get pics up, though first I better send the thank yous!) and has been walking for about 6 weeks now. He seems like he's on the brink of saying real word or two--right now it's lots of babbling and lots of different sounds but no real evidence that when he says da-da or ma-ma that he REALLY knows what he's saying yet. Pretty soon, hopefully!
School's been in session for over 2 weeks now--I have a lot to catch up on in my other blog concerning the launch of two-way immersion. What an undertaking! (cough cough)