Sunday, May 31, 2009

Recent Pics

I realized I've been posting all sorts of random thought and events, but without pics of my bub!  Milestones reached during the past month (or so)...
* Crawls at breakneck speed
* Pulls himself up to a standing position
* Takes steps to move around furniture (as look as he's holding on with at least one hand)
* Climbs over anything and everything he possibly can (thank goodness no attempts to climb out of the crib have been made yet)
* Claps his hands
* Tries to wave when we wave to him...concentrates ever so hard, wiggles his hand ever so slightly and then finally claps instead of wave
* Weighs in at a little over 22 pounds


runningfan said...

He's adorable!!

Candice said...

Ohh!! he is sooo cute! Look at that smile after he's just destroyed your well organized book shelf. :)

Jenny said...

Oh man, I haven't checked your blog in way too long. What an absolute doll! Do his cheeks get sore from being kissed all day long?

Jill said...

I hope that's gel in his hair